
Friday, January 8, 2010

Still baking

This bun is still in the oven. I am cracking up a little around the edges. I’m just on edge all the time, waiting for something to happen! I’m trying to keep busy with jobs around the house. The house is kind of freaking me out right now – it is so TIDY. It’s freaky tidy. I find myself pausing as I walk across the kitchen to pick up a crumb from the floor. One crumb.
I’m very happy with the pantry clean out this morning. It was all I could think about doing when I woke up! I finally moved all move cookbooks into an accessible position. They used to be shoved into a recess in the right hand side of the pantry, and were so hard to find and get to. Now they’re all ready to go, just begging to be cooked with.
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I love my new calendar on the inside door of the pantry. It has a column for birthdays/special dates, column each for Mr RG, Pebble and I, and a column for other stuff. I always have good new years intentions of being more organised, hopefully this helps!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love how things just HAVE to be done like cleaning the pantry? Just before I had Daisy I HAD to wash all the skirting boards in the house as well as the FRONT DOOR! Mental behaviour I tell you. Rest up and stay cool!


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