I’m very happy with the pantry clean out this morning. It was all I could think about doing when I woke up! I finally moved all move cookbooks into an accessible position. They used to be shoved into a recess in the right hand side of the pantry, and were so hard to find and get to. Now they’re all ready to go, just begging to be cooked with.

I love my new calendar on the inside door of the pantry. It has a column for birthdays/special dates, column each for Mr RG, Pebble and I, and a column for other stuff. I always have good new years intentions of being more organised, hopefully this helps!
Don't you love how things just HAVE to be done like cleaning the pantry? Just before I had Daisy I HAD to wash all the skirting boards in the house as well as the FRONT DOOR! Mental behaviour I tell you. Rest up and stay cool!