Yesterday I left Pebble on her play mat while I was cleaning, checking on her every few minutes or so. When I returned to the room for one check I found her like this:

She’s rolling from back to front! Of course she gets stuck in this face plant, but she’s getting there.
The other ‘first’ is not such a good one. Our first sick baby scenario. It’s not really much, just a cough, but it’s making her throw up her feeds. Pebble is wheezy and rattly, but generally happy, just a little more quiet and cuddly than usual (so far). We have a doctors appointment first thing (overly cautious mummy needs some reassurance).
The bummer is that we were going to my sisters farm for the weekend, our last gathering before bub number two arrives for them. But I’m pulling out *cry* to stay close to home and just have quiet time for Pebble to get better. Having a sick bub is bad enough without being away from home base.
p.s. Happy Five Year Anniversary to Paul – five years yesterday since our first (blind) date. Look at us now!
p.p.s. The meatloaf was a disaster – it was raw in the middle! I’m crumbling it up to make a spag bol sauce today. I can’t face meatloaf again for a while, if ever.
Yay about the rolling over.....she is doing that early! But ick about the raw meatloaf......