
Saturday, September 4, 2010

This time last year…

Baby Belly1
This time last year I was 22 weeks pregnant, and sporting a bit of a belly. I loved being pregnant. At this time I was feeling energetic and literally full of life. I could feel my growing baby, Pebble, as we used to call her, moving around inside me. I stuck my belly out with pride and couldn’t help but rub my bump with love.
It feels strange to look at this person in the photos. There’s our bedroom, on the left, and the gym (now Pebble’s room) on the right. The home of a couple of DINKs. This pregnant person has no idea what is coming. She thinks she does, because she’s read all the books, and watched all the docos. But the birth is not going to be like anything she’s planned, and the coming-home-with-baby is certainly going to be a shock to the system (to put it mildly). The person is this photo has space – personal space, mental space, – and lots of time. She doesn't think she has lots of time, but she does. And this person thinks that she loves her baby already – but she hasn’t felt anything yet.
What were you doing this time last year?


  1. Haa prety much the same thing feeling the same way...though I had my head down the toilet at least 5 times a I wasn't feeling quiet so lively :) How I wish I knew just how much time I used to have... :)
    Hope you are having a lovely road trip!

  2. This time last year I had a one month old, and it was crazy! What a shock to the system!

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  3. TOO bloody true Kylie. You just don't have any idea about parenting til you are actually a parent. And that space is what I miss and don't know what to do with when I get moments of it back.

    As for me, this time last year, I was planning the Bebito's 1st Birthday party and trying to get him settled into some decent version of sleep, particularly at night.

    Great post!


  4. This time last year I had started going to craft group, and celebrated Father's Day at the botanical gardens. Fun times. :-D


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