
Monday, December 13, 2010


P1130881Pebble and her big cousin, chillin’ 

A few tidbits to keep you up to date…

~ Paul and I had our first night away without Pebble on Saturday night. It was Paul’s work xmas dinner and we decided to make a night of it… and an early morning! We didn’t get to bed til sometime after four, perhaps closer to five. Not quite a catch up on sleep! But a catch up on life without baby, dancing, drinking, talking, eating, loving. We’ve decided we definitely need to do it more often, but a regular night in a hotel in the city just doesn’t fit into our budget. So we’re thinking we’ll just drop the cherub off at a grandparent’s house and head back home for a date-night-in. Sounds like bliss to me!

~ I had Pebble’s birth mark checked up on today. It’s on her back, a strawberry sized strawberry mark. I know that Google tells me all is ok, but I just had to have it seen to. It’s gotten a LOT darker recently and slightly bigger, and patchy in parts. The doc says it’s all good and 70% of strawberry marks fade by the age of seven.

~ I am staring at several (ten?) crates of school stuff that needs to be sorted in the next month – and it’s weighing heavily on my mind. I can’t wait to get stuck in, but there are lots of other things keeping me occupied at the moment – not least a toddling Pebble.

~ I’ve been doing some Christmas meal planning, and have been on the phone chatting up my local butcher today to get ready for the xmas eve dinner that we’re hosting. I’m going to do a roast pork loin, stuffed and rolled, and he’s going to sort me out with a lovely little piggy. I’ve never done it before, and Paul and I are being completely over prepared and doing a trial run – so this weekend it’s piggy Take 1. I’ll be sure to share with you, in picture form at least.

~ this week I’m looking forward to some family time, seeing my sister and her hubby while they’re running from here to there in a big move back to the city (or nearly the city – an hours drive away instead of over four). I’m so excited that they’ll be closer to us all again – AND I get to babysit my little 6 month old niece while they’re busy moving. Overnight! She’s one of the most laid back little bubs I’ve ever met and sleeps through the night, so all will be sweet.

~ fact: carrying a ten kilo toddler while vacuuming a house is not good for your back.

12 sleeps til Christmas!



  1. Your Chrissy dinner sounds YUM!
    love the pic too cousins are great together arent they?!

  2. Cant believe Pebble is walking and i'm still waiting on Flynn - and its only 14 days til his birthday!

  3. How great to experience a night out sans kids! Always makes you remember that you were a person before they came along and you'll be a person after they grow up. Good to know!

    Thanks for putting my button in your sidebar, Kylie. Appreciate the love. x


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