
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Desperate Times

Mr RG and I have moved out of the abode for a week while the floors are sanded and repolished – oh yeah, 36 weeks pregnant – great idea!!!

We’re living at Mr RG’s mum’s for the week, which is very handy because Mr RG doesn’t has the same travel time to work, and we’re close to the house if we need to get anything. Most importantly, we are still close to the hospital!

So, here I sit, at a local pub, using their wireless internet so I can get my FIX! My lovely MIL, Kath, has dial up *groan*. There really is no point even turning the computer on! We also have no foxtel, so daytime TV is even more horrendous than normal.

So far I have busied myself with baby and Christmas shopping. I bought up big yesterday on everything I could think of that I will need for when bubs comes home. I waited as long as I could, ie. after the baby shower, so that I wouldn’t be doubling up.

Today I had a physio appointment, ie. bum massage. This was to help my numb and tingly hip, which goes all funny if I stand or walk for too long (30+ mins). Hopefully it’s done the trick, I have some exercises to use too. I can’t go again next week as I already have an appointment and the physio is only open on Tuesday morning (WTF!?). Fingers crossed I’ll be all good with the stretching, some husband massage and a baby exiting the bodily premises soon.

Tomorrow I have prenatal breastfeeding class, which should be very interesting. We’re also going to an obstetrician appointment before going to my dad’s for dinner which is so exciting because I get cuddles with nephew #2! I haven’t seen him forEVER because he’s been a sick lil bub, and we live so far apart. Oh yeah, I’m pretty excited to see the fam too. But it’s mostly all about the bub *g*

Thursday I am catching up with my mate Lisa and her littlies, then Friday I have a wax appointment (timely, huh?).

Saturday and Sunday we’re moving everything back into the house ready for relocation on Sunday, Monday I have a hair appointment, Tuesday I have a doctors appointment, Wednesday an obstetrician appointment and then HEY it’s Christmas!!!!

Holy crap! Where does the time go?

In other news, shopping + pregnancy + heat wave = CANKLES! Just in case you weren’t aware. Wish I’d taken a pic last night, but feed and ankles look hilarious. And scary. But mostly hilarious.

Bye bye for now and probably for quite a while…..

1 comment:

  1. I still expect updates young lady!!!! I hope someone is going to update when this baby decides to make an appearance!


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