
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Getting ready for Pebble, continued….

Mr RG and I have slowly been getting bits and pieces organised to Pebble’s imminent arrival. The doc giving us a ‘week to go’ heads up has put a rocket up Mr RG’s bottom, as well as a fair dose of furrowed brow expressions on his face. I think it’s all getting real now!
Yesterday I put together the rocker that my Aunty Leanne gave to Pebble as a baby shower gift. It’s the Fisher Price Newborn to Toddler rocker – it converts into a chair for a toddler as the baby gets older. It has a vibrate function and plays music (at least, it will when I get a battery for it!). Thanks Aunty Leanne!
I came across this calendar I’d been saving, which is based on one of my favourite children’s books ‘Guess How Much I Love You’.
I’m going to trim the pages from a few of the months and put them into frames for hanging in Pebble’s room. I love the muted tones of both the story and the pictures, and the feeling of love that I get whenever I read this book and look at the pictures.
Yesterday we also FINALLY got the car seat installed after I had pulled it to pieces and washed all the bits and bobs. It’s been on the waiting list of  jobs to do, but after watching Being Dad 2 and hearing about how tricky the baby seat can be to install, Mr RG was keen to get a move on.
It was kind of tricky, it took us well over an hour to get it all done and dusted, but it is now very secure and cosy. We also put the sunshades and baby on board sticker up (much to Mr RGs distaste – he doesn’t think they look very cool).
Operation Pebble is in full swing!


  1. Oh hurrah! I love watching your preps. Reminds me of my own journey not so long ago. Again, wishing you every possible "luck!" xo


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