
Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby Crack

I’m trying to get some housework done before heading to the funeral later today, and like all good Aussie mums I have put on ABC Kids to keep Pebble entertained. She is quite good at entertaining herself, but I find that the background noise keeps her happier for longer. I peeked in to check on her, and this is what I found:

The Wiggles – it’s crack for babies. Addiction starts very early. Perhaps I should hold an intervention?


  1. Too cute! Strangely i have tried watching the Wiggles with Flynn and he just doesnt seem interested. " Sesame Street " seems to hold his attention for a while though....

  2. haha love it...Cooper's 'crack' is Hanny Manny and Diego...just a shame they are both on at 6.00am!! The wonders of T.V :)


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