
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


2011-08-03 07.03.58

History, it seems, repeats itself. I was just flicking through my blog posts from this time last year and I came across this one.  The One With The Co-Sleeping.

So, what’s changed? Well, I can tell you that there is no longer three people sleeping in our bed each night. Oh no. Only two people in that bed.

Sorry? What? Which two people?…..

……Pebble and I.


So the story goes like this: for months now Pebble has been waking in the wee hours (post 3am) and coming into our bed. We didn’t mind. Except it was a bit squishy. So for the sake of sleep Paul would go into the spare room and finish the night in the spare bed. No dramas.

Then Pebble got sick with The Cough. She woke up sometime between ohhhhhh, 8pm and 9pm with The Cough and for the sake of some peace for all concerned I bundled her up in bed with me and lots of propping pillows. We slept. A bit.

Then we got through the sickness. We kicked that sucker out of there (for now)!

However. Now Pebble is waking up somewhere around midnight and 1am each night to come into what I’m sure she thinks is “her” bed with me, while Paul goes off to “his” bed on his own.

I can’t complain, really. We’re all getting sleep. The sleep is good! We’ve half heartedly talked about changing things, but really, I don’t think we’re that bothered by things as they are. The good news is that Pebble goes to sleep in her own bed, and stays there for a good long while. Long enough for Paul and I to have some time for “us”. We’re talking about either converting her cot to a toddler bed or using the single bed as her big girl bed, sometime soon. Soon-ish. For now, this is how bed time goes at our place.

How about you? Are you getting sleep?


Monday, August 29, 2011

Point + Shoot: The Weekend

What a gorgeous weekend! I was feeling WELL. The sun was shining. There was family. Friends. Food. Here’s a mini recap:

~ Play School Concert! ~


~ New Toys ~


~ Peek a Boo in Summer Dresses ~


~ Lunch in the Dappled Sunshine ~


~ Pretty Things ~


~ Good Food with Good Friends ~


I hope you had a lovely weekend too.

See what others have been up to with Point + Shoot at sunny + scout.


Time Out


There are lots of things I could tell you about our fabulous weekend. We have all returned to the land of the healthy, and we enjoyed some gorgeous sunshine, friends and family. However. Pebble and I just experienced Pebble’s first ‘time out’. And I NEED to talk about it.

I do agree with ‘time out’. Time away to think. More importantly, I believe in the talk and action that takes place after the ‘time out’.

I use ‘time out’ or ‘thinking time’ in my classroom. It’s been different over the years depending on the group, the child, the behaviour. Sometimes it’s meant that a child needs to run around the oval until they calm down. Sometimes it has been a particular square of foam that they child sits on to think about things. Sometimes it’s been sitting outside the classroom. Sometimes it’s been a few minutes in our school sensory garden.

After the ‘time out’ we always talk about the things that happened before the time out. How and why it happened, and and how the child can help themselves to stop that behaviour from happening again. I’m not going to lie – some times it’s more successful than others. It is just one tool in my tool box.

I’ve been noticing some cheeky behaviour from Pebble lately. Pebble is a well behaved kid, with little dose of cheek. Your pretty average toddler. However she is 19 months old, and I think that she’s started to see that there are boundaries and that she can push them. She’s also starting to seek more control in her world. She can do it all herself, her way.

Sometimes, when I have asked Pebble NOT to do something, or have asked her to do one thing instead of another (eg. draw on the paper, not on the wall) she has chosen to do the exact opposite. Then laughed about it. I think it is time to start taking action.

I write about this now as if I have had a good sit down and think about it. Before writing this post I really hadn’t. Today I made a split decision to give Pebble ‘time out’ without really thinking it through or talking with Paul about it. That’s life. Stuff happens, we make decisions, we take action. Right or wrong.

Here is the scene:

Pebble and I are in the lounge room. Pebble approaches the couch with chalk in her hands and proceeds to draw all over the couch. Our couch is not precious. It’s second hand. It’s kid friendly. Chalk rubs off easily. This is not the point. It is not appropriate to draw on the furniture.

I asked Pebble to stop, and reminded her to draw on the board. Pebble laughed and continued to draw on the couch. I reminded her again, asked her firmly to stop. Pebble giggled more, drew some more. She thought it was a game. I know that she’s not malicious. I know that she’s not thinking RIGHT, I’m really going to piss mum off today. She is just testing. And it’s my job to respond to that test. If I ignore it I’m not doing my job properly. Right?

I picked her up and put her on the floor in a recess of our dining area, facing a boring bit of wall. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but I did tell her, calmly,  to sit and not to move. I then stood around the corner, and watched the seconds on my watch count down one minute. I peeked at 30 seconds (OMG -  one minute is a really long time!) and she was facing the wall, looking very solemn. When I came back around the corner Pebble was just starting to stand up. I said no, sit down. She sat down. Then I got right down low and said what felt like far-too-many-words-in-a-row about what had happened. Then I took her to show her the couch (much like I used to do to my puppy to where he’d done his business on the carpet) and said, “no drawing on the couch”. She nodded seriously. Then I took her to the blackboard and said “draw here”. She nodded again. Then I said “shall we draw a picture?”. She nodded and smiled and the moment was over. Dealt with.

So. I decide to go and brush up on my early childhood knowledge with a little Googling. Yes, I have an early childhood education degree, but I have spent my early childhood career with 6 – 8 year olds. I wasn’t 100% happy with the time out experience today, something didn’t quite sit right. Sometimes I need a refresher course on the little ones. I quickly came across the Australian Association for Infant Mental Health Inc. website and their Position Paper on Time Out.


Here’s a snippet (please read the three page paper for more information and advice for children under three*):

AAIMHI concerns in relation to use of exclusionary (where the child is separated from the parent or caregiver) time out for children less than three years are:

  • It does not teach constructive ways to deal with problems; instead it teaches separation as a way to deal with problems.
  • It does not take into consideration the developmental capacities of young children under three. From an attachment and development-based point of view, children this age are experimenting and do not yet have the necessary skills to control impulses and emotion, i.e. their behaviour is not misbehaviour.
  • It deliberately cuts off the child from the relationship with parent or carer so that the child feels powerless to connect with the adult; this cutting off from relationship is an intended consequence for the child’s behaviour and is seen by the child as a punishment.
  • It does not address the message (cause) behind the behaviour.
  • It fails to recognise that young children do not learn self regulation of emotions by themselves; they need the support of a parent or carer.

Ok. I could have a total Mother Guilt moment at this point. But I won’t. I tried something. I learnt something. As I am always saying to my class: are we allowed to make mistakes? YES! It is how we learn.

For me the next step is to talk with Paul about this and decide together how we’re going to respond to future ‘tests’ from our under three year old. I think it is SO important for parents to work together and support each other.

This has turned into a really long post. But I believe this issue is really important. I feel that, if we get this shit right, then it’s going to make our family life so much happier in the future.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with managing children’s behaviour. Do tell!


*For more information on discipline and your toddler see these helpful tips from Child and Youth Health and Raising Children.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Child Care Update


Yeah, I still feel like crap, thanks for asking. But I’m so bored with talking about being sick, so let’s move on, ok?

What’s that? Yes, Pebble is settling in to child care quite well, thank you. This week she did two half days, staying until around 2.30pm – 3.00pm. She’s been eating, sleeping, playing and yes, sometimes crying. She cries a little when we drop her off, and cries on and off during the day, but we’re told that she settles well when reminded that we’re coming to pick her up “soon”.

Which brings me to two new favourite expressions that Pebble has been using. The first is “shoooo, shoooo". Here is a scenario to put it into context:

Pebble: Daddy?
Me: Daddy’s at work.
Pebble: shoooo, shoooo *solemn nod of the head*
Repeat x 3. Minimum.

I gather that the gorgeous Toddler House staff must have to use a lot of “Mummy/Daddy will be here soon” when Pebble asks after us, and now Pebble is using it as her soothing thought to get through those tough times. It’s like a little baby meditation. Cute, no?

Less cute, but pretty hilarious, is the “stop! stop” with a talk-to-the-hand action. I think this is taught to the children at child care to help them stop other kids snatching toys and pushing each other over. You know, the whole “use your words, tell them to stop”. I’ve been there, I’ve done that.

Pebble seems to think the most suitable application of this new found communication tool is when Mummy and Daddy are having a conversation. She plants herself all up in my face and says “stop! stop” with that hand waving in my face. Hilarious! But it so ain’t gonna work around here, little girl, let me tell you!

Anyhoo, I’ve got a date with a couch, a blankie and, when Pebble goes to bed, finishing off the rest of this classic (can you believe I’ve never seen it before?!).

~ Spartacus ~

Enjoy  your Friday night!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cough cough


Sickness is just so persistent, isn’t it? That winter sickness that comes with being surrounded by kids and their still-developing ability to cover their mouths and use tissues, not sleeves, to clean up their snot.

Pebble is fine, mostly. The cough lingers at night, but she’s generally happy, healthy, bright eyed. Now it’s my turn. The aching. The swollen, painful-to-swallow throat. The throbbing ears. The foggy head. All mine.

I stayed home from work today, hoping that a day of rest would give me a chance to properly get better. Unfortunately, if anything, I now feel worse. However. Work needs me.

I know, how sad does that sound? I’m not one of these people that drags themselves to work, coughing and sneezing, moaning about how sick I am, and thereby dragging my sorry arse into a sicker state (and everyone else around me).

Today is a case in point. When I’m sick I take a day off. Luckily I have shed-loads of sick leave. Also luckily, I am rarely sick.

BUT. The children! Their young minds and hearts! They need me! More to the point, all the little jobs, odds and sods, and my end of a shared teaching job need my attention. Not only am I leaving 24 little people without me, but my ‘other half’, my co-teacher, who could potentially turn up to work next week with a whole lotta stuff not attended to.

The guilt of having a sick day when you’re a teacher, let alone a co-teacher… hell, when you’re anybody, I suspect….  is just shitsville. I know I should just get over it. Build a bridge. What’s done is done, whatever shall be shall be. Will anyone remember this in ten years time? Probably not.

In any case, I’m going to leave the final decision to the morning. Which is the perfect way to stuff up a nights sleep – a night undecided, guilt-ridden torment.

Well, y’all sleep well now.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Well, we survived the night. That’s the easy part. The hard part is surviving the next day! So far Pebble and I are doing ok. We both got a couple of hours sleep after she crashed it at 4.30am. She is very happily playing with a new toy – a packet of hair ties. I bought the teeny tiny kind so that I can easily put up her hair into pig tails, and she thinks they’re pretty fabulous.


I decided to trim her fringe a little as she is constantly using her forearm to sweep it out of her eyes. Pebble has never had a hair cut before, and mummy coming at her with a pair of scissors and a comb did not receive a very warm welcome.


I got there in the end. Well, mostly. I didn’t butcher her hair and I got a few of the offending strands out of the way. Win Win!


Getting a photo of the result was actually the more difficult part. Lately all Pebble wants is to see the photo RIGHT NOW or to take a photo herself. I have a lot of photos of her screwed up tantrum face, arms out stretched, hands grab-grab-grabbing.


I love this shot. So like her daddy….. she placed all those hair ties in order on the floor just so. Everything in it’s place.

Wish me luck for the rest of the day!



2011-08-23 03.19.21


Two hours of kicking and (gentle, loving) hair pulling.

I am defeated.

You win, kid. This time.

Time for a cuppa.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Domestic Goddess

I’ve been looking for budget friendly, family friendly, body friendly meals and you really can’t go past a roast dinner to meet all three of these needs. As long as  you go easy with the portions and use low-fat substitutes where possible it makes a pretty healthy meal. Meat + veg. Simple.


I have cooked maybe ….. five? Yep, I reckon I’ve cooked five roasts in my life time. They’re just not my thing. They seem complicated, too many pots and pans going, a hot kitchen, too much timing to get right. Today I proved myself wrong. I prepped the roast potato and pumpkin mid-arvo, as well as making the cauliflower-broccoli cheese. Peas took a minute or two in the microwave just before serving, as did my awesomely classy box gravy.


The meat. The meat went into the weber about 75 minutes before we wanted to serve. Literally bung it in and go about your business until it’s time to pull it out again. I did massage some olive oil and salt into the skin of this baby, knowing full well that I wasn’t going to eat any of this AWESOME crackle. I have never enjoyed pork crackling. I try it every time and every time I’m left with a mouth full of the taste of fat. Which is just gross.


I am told that tonight’s crackling effort was CRACKING. Get it? Cracking? Cos it…. oh never mind.


Paul looked at his dinner plate then looked at me and said “This Is The Woman I Married!!”. Love it :)

How gnarly does that pork look? The best bit? With only two adult bellies to fill there is more than enough to go around for another roast dinner tomorrow night, plus some other left overs I’m sure. I love going to bed knowing that tomorrow’s dinner is already done. The simple things.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Colour my world

Poor Pebble has been sick. As in sick for a week, recovered for two days and now sick again for the last three days. She was snotty, coughy kinda sick. Now she's feverish, thick-chested kinda sick. Waking up screaming kinda sick.

It really was to be expected.
First child care days = first sickness.
Two weeks away from child care = better.
Return to chld care = sick again.

I have spent a lot of time in bed this weekend. There once was a time when a weekend in bed was a GOOD thing. These days it means getting kicked in the everywhere by a boiling hot, snoring, wheezing kid. How life has changed!

This afternoon the sun shone a little and even though she's pale faced and dark under the eyes, Pebble was keen to get outdoors. We cranked open some jumbo chalk and made the pavement pretty. I don't know who had more fun: her or us?

It killed some time and distracted Pebble (and us) from her ailments. We were supposed to go to the zoo today. Some other time, I'm sure.

I hope you weekend was splashed with a little colour too.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am such the professional blogger that I completely neglected to announce the winner of the Enslaved giveaway! Whoops.

Drum roll please…..

Enslaved Giveaway

Congrats to Diane!

Watch out for an email from me Diane.


Pebble – nearly 19 months

What a joy! Seriously, 18 months is just the *best* age for a little one to be and to be a parent of. I thought that at 17 months, and 16 months too, but now THIS is it!

Sure, winter has given us our fair share of illness, and for over a week now Pebble has been sharing our bed for at least half of the night, usually more, coughing her guts out and rolling around in discomfort. Still, life is pretty good, can’t complain.

Pebble will be 19 months old in three days and I can’t wait to see what that brings.

Here is what the last month has looked like…..

~ playing hide and seek ~
2011-08-15 12.33.11

~ walks with grandma ~
2011-07-22 16.29.23

~ making obstacle courses ~


~ eating! ~

~ cousins ~
(here a just a few of them!)

~ playing with babies ~

~ cubbies! ~

~ kicking a ball ~

~ going to the park ~
2011-07-26 14.54.21

~ dress ups ~

~ playing outside ~
2011-08-14 15.45.39

~ birthdays ~

~ sleeping in mama’s bed ~
2011-08-03 07.03.58

~ rides at the supermarket (money is not spent. yet). ~
2011-08-15 15.55.44

~ picnics ~

~ sneaking off with mama’s phone! ~

~ pretending to be asleep EVERY time we stop the car to get out ~
2011-08-16 08.58.44

~ dancing ~

Bring it on!
