
Monday, June 28, 2010

Point + Shoot

Paul isn’t really into photos. He never says “get the camera, take a photo of this!”.
Except this weekend. This weekend he saw me looking like this and just had to take a photo.

You know all about my hair issues. In an effort to stop the grease I bought myself some dry shampoo. This is me making good use of it (you do brush it out after a couple of minutes).
This is me in total weekend glamour mode. Laundry. Greasy hair. Daggy jumper (trackies, socks and slippers too). No make up. Beloved dust buster in the background.
What did you Point + Shoot this weekend? Share it with Chantelle over at FatMumSlim.


  1. wow you look great in the laundry with greasy hair wearing a daggy jumper (trackies, socks and slippers too)and no make up with the beloved dust buster in the background!!

  2. But you look happy and upbeat and smiley!


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