
Monday, August 9, 2010

Bits and pieces

I have no official point and shoot today – I checked my camera and I had no photos from the weekend!!!!! I can’t believe it. It has to be a first since Pebble was born. I made up for it today when I snapped this super cute pic of Pebble and her little friend playing in this ‘boat’. Pebble didn’t know quite what to make of it all, but she had fun.
We had a busy day today running here and there – dropping Paul at work, visiting a friend, shopping for this and that, pounding the pavement for some City to Bay training, washing (it never ends) and tying up some loose ends for my giveaway (nearly there - squeeeeee!). All in all, it was a very nice day. I got some jobs done but had some fun too. The best kind of day.
How was your day?


  1. She is such a gorgeous girl, her beautiful eyes capture me every single photo I look at :) xx

  2. Flynn was playing in one of those " boats " on Sunday too - i'm just amazed i managed to have an empty one lying around, and not full of clean washing!


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