
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Girl’s Night In

Last night Pebble and I had a girl’s night in. Paul was off helping my sister and her family move from one teeny weeny country town to a much larger (and much further away) country town. I’m sad to see them move further away, but I know that they’re doing what is right for their family. Not to mention all the fun family holidays we can plan that can create memories for the little girl cousins in the future!
So, I had BIG plans for our evening. Pebble went to bed at 7pm, I had a yummy curried sweet potato soup for dinner, followed by a gold magnum for dessert (naughty!). I blogged and watched Jamie's New Food Revolution. Then I went to bed, stretching out across the whole bed, at 8.30pm.
It could have been a little bit more heavenly if I hadn’t been woken at 12pm and 2am, but at least I got to sleep in until 6.30am. Yes, that counts as a sleep in around these parts.
Some might think it sad that this was a fabulous night for me, but I’m happy with my lot. More than happy.
I hope you’re having a heavenly start to your weekend too.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Today I went to a funeral. The third funeral that I’ve attended in my 31 years. I am thankful that I have not had to attend more.
I was nervous about going to the funeral of my primary school teacher. I thought it might be strange for me to be there, that I might be intruding on a private family moment. I had reassurance from a friend that all would be well, that we would just stay at the back, pay our respects and be off.
The funeral of this 49 year old woman, taken too soon from her young family, from the community that loved her and that she gave so much to, was full of love. Love and sadness.The main floor, the mezzanine level and the foyer were full of people there to celebrate her life. I listened as her husband and friend took turns to share memories, and watched as her children sang Amazing Grace. I was reminded of my school days and the creative, caring, fun and inspired teacher that she was.
I walked past that heavy wooden box, trying not to think of my teacher, their mother, his wife, inside. I placed a flower on top of many others, and left a card with a few words for her family. A few words to let them know what she had meant to me, and hope that it gave them some comfort to know that she was so appreciated.
I hugged my childhood Best Friend. The one that I shared heart shaped pendants and secrets with. We knew that she would be happy that we had found each other again (in real life, and not just on Facebook). We talked for a long time afterwards, sharing our own memories of that favourite teacher and rediscovering each others lives as proper grown ups. It won’t be the last time that we meet, but hopefully next time it will be without such sadness.
I am so happy that I go to say goodbye properly, and that Miss C got to share one last piece of wisdom with me in the form of this poem. Read it carefully and feel the weight of each word.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch,
or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.

Baby Crack

I’m trying to get some housework done before heading to the funeral later today, and like all good Aussie mums I have put on ABC Kids to keep Pebble entertained. She is quite good at entertaining herself, but I find that the background noise keeps her happier for longer. I peeked in to check on her, and this is what I found:

The Wiggles – it’s crack for babies. Addiction starts very early. Perhaps I should hold an intervention?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I just learned some very sad news. One of my favourite primary school teachers has passed away, well before her time.
I have thought of her so often, especially as I became a teacher myself. I have reflected on the warm, engaging, community feel of the classroom that she shared so well with another teacher, and I wonder how I can create that kind of learning environment myself.
Perhaps it’s just my experience, but in that classroom I felt a part of a community, I felt excited about learning, I felt accepted by all and accepting of all. My mind was stretched, my heart was full. I was confident and happy. The value of this experience can not be underestimated.
I have tried to contact this teacher several times in my adult life, just to say thank you. Thank you for all the wonderful memories, thank you for the inspiration. I didn’t have any luck and I’m so sad that I could never tell her the difference that she made in my life.
So now, I will throw my words out there and hope that somewhere, somehow, she can catch them. Thank you Miss C (as you will always be known to me).

Op shop bargains

I’ve been feeling a bit bored with my usual walking routes, so this week I decided to try walking somewhere a bit different. I drove Pebble and I up to the town centre to walk up and down the main street. I started at the pub (no, I didn’t go in – a nursing mother nursing a beer is not a good look ;P) and walked to the other end of town and back. The timing was perfect for Pebble to fall asleep as we arrived at the op shop, and I got to have a nosy around. I tried on a big pile of clothes, but left empty handed in that department. I did score four new board books for Pebble though.

They were only $1 each and in great condition. My favourite is My Dad by Anthony Browne. His books are always a hit with the children at school and the Dad in the story loves football! Proper round football, just like Pebble’s Dad.
Have you been op-shopping lately? What treasures did you find?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We play: mirrors

This week Pebble and I have been playing with mirrors. Mirrors in the car, mirrors on her toys, mirrors in her cot and mirrors in my bedroom.

I bought this soft cube from a local market a couple of weeks ago, and Pebble loves to play hide and seek with it. She sits in my lap and together we open the box up to look into the mirrors. She giggles with delight when she finds my reflection in there, and looks curiously for her own reflection.

This mirror was bought for the car, but now that Pebble is forward facing we can use it in the cot. It plays music and lights up, but I think the most exciting thing for Pebble is being able to see herself, mummy and daddy in the reflection. She has taken to choosing the reflection instead of real life – gazing at us through it while rolling around, grabbing her toes and sing-talking.

Without the mirror in the car I still use the review mirror to look at Pebble, and for the first time she can look back at me! While stopped at traffic lights we play peekaboo, as I move my face in and out of view in the mirror. Yet more giggles follow (don’t worry, I’m sure to keep a good eye on those changing lights ;P).

The full-length and full wall of mirrors in our bedroom have always been a part of our play. This week I’ve started using the mirrors to play lap games while Pebble can see both of us. We do a new one that Pebble’s Grandma taught us (I never knew the words before!):

Half a pound of tuppenny rice,
Half a pound of treacle.
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop! goes the weasel.

I bounce Pebble on my lap and then open my legs to let her fall through (while I hold her!), then lift her back up again. She’s not quite delighted yet, but interested and surprised. The delight will come, I’m sure.
This is my first time playing with We Play at Childhood 101. You can visit and see what others are playing too.

What have you been playing this week?

Baby Talk

For the last month or so I have been slowly introducing baby sign language to Pebble. I knew I wanted to try this before I had her. I think that it gives babies another avenue of communication and helps relieve some of the frustration of not being able to speak English.
Pebble is verbal – she tells me that she’s upset with a ‘mameeeeeeeeeeeh eh eh eh’. She tells me that she’s had enough of an activity with a high pitched ‘ah!’. She tells me that she’s happy with a gurgly, sing-song in varying pitches. And, of course, that goofy, cute laugh of hers.
Pebble also communicates with her body. She tells me that she wants to be picked up from her tummy by straightening all her limbs into stiff points and arching her back. She tells me she wants a toy by reaching out for it. She tells me she wants me back when she leans her whole body out of somebody else’s arms and into mine. She tells me she’s tired when she rubs her eyes and snuffs and snorts through her nose.
However, hopefully the baby sign language will help her to communicate even more. As I said, we’ve started very slowly, and so far I’m working on just one sign - ‘eat’. It seemed appropriate as it’s a sign that she can use to tell me she’s hungry, so she will be motivated to use it. It’s also something that we’re doing a lot of lately, as she is very quickly getting used to solid foods twice a day.
We’re using Australian Baby Hands, and got a good deal with their end of financial year sale. I got the book, flashcards, and DVD, which are all very easy to follow. Some of the other signs I’ve been thinking of starting next are ‘finished’ (which I already used with children at school), ‘more’, ‘ball’ and ‘book’. If you’re interested in trying it, you can get a free chart with a few simple signs from the Australian Baby Hands website.
Have you every tried baby sign language? How did it go?

This is not a sponsored post. I just really like the products!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It’s Grand Final Night!

Tonight’s the night – the Grand Final of Masterchef! I’ll be watching with Paul’s mum, and we’re getting into the spirit of things by ordering in a curry (ha!). I hope that one day I can order one in from Jimmy’s rumoured southern Adelaide restaurant, but for now we’ll settle for our local.
I also hope that Pebble will give me a chance to watch it – she’s been a very grizzly girl with TWO teeth coming through. Poor bub.
Will you be watching tonight? Team Adam or Team Callum? I’m happy no matter who wins, but am tipping Adam to bring the title home.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Yesterday I tried to do my first proper clothes shop since having Pebble . I attempted to do this with Pebble (my first mistake). She’s usually a pretty good shopper. She hangs out in the pram, people watching. I get vocal updates on her tummy and sleepy status, but apart from that she’s pretty good.
However, yesterday, she was NOT. She cried most of the time, a whiny little cry and was just not happy. It was time for a sleep and I tried and tried and tried to get her to sleep. I tried the usual pram rock and roll. I tried the pick-her-up and rock. I tried the cover-the-pram and rock. I tried the jaunty back and forth. I tried a feed. I checked her bum. I tried all of these again.
She just kept crying and fighting and crying.
I was at my wits end. I had finally got a grasp of this kid and now I had no idea what’s going on (welcome to motherhood, I hear you say). I stopped in the middle of the shopping centre and gave Pebble a big cuddle. She stopped crying and snuggled up to me.
I’m not sure what made me do it, but I had a look in her mouth and felt her gums. I’ve been doing this every other day for about two months, as she’s been drooling and rosy cheeked on and off.
There it was. A sharp little white bugger, poking it’s head through her gums. Oooooooh! Poor kid, there she was dealing with her first tooth coming through, and her mum was dragging her round the shops all day.
Big sigh of relief from me, and big sigh of relief from Pebble. I know what’s going on and she’s finally going home! Some panadol and bonjela that night made her day.
My little girl is growing up!
p.s. I still managed to buy a cute coral cardi, a floral print top and a pair of silver sequined ballet flats ($13!).

Friday, July 23, 2010

I still love you

Dear internet,
It’s not you, it’s me.
No, really!
This week (and some of the last) I haven’t been reading as many blogs as usual, or keeping up with Facebook and emails and all those other nifty gadgets.
I have been reading real books, baking, visiting family, reading and singing with Pebble, watching LOTS of Masterchef (it will almost be a relief to say goodbye to that commitment after Sunday night!) and laughing lots.
So please forgive me for not visiting you so often lately. I’ll be back with you soon.
Love always,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

At My House

This week I’m getting busy in the kitchen with Pebble’s food. I gave up the yoghurt after a chat with a lovely Child and Youth Health nurse, who confirmed my suspicions that the 10g per 100g of sugar in that stuff was perhaps not the best thing to be feeding Pebble. Particularly as it was the ONLY ‘solid’ food she was eating.
I can get the yoghurt back out again soon, when Pebble is eating a wider variety of foods, but for now it’s back to the rice cereal. And to my great surprise it only took two days for her to be chomping down on the stuff with excitement (as long as she holds the spoon herself!).
I decided to test the waters with a little apple, which also went down a treat when mixed with the rice cereal. Next up is pumpkin, which I diced, steamed, blended and froze before bagging up into labelled zip lock bags.
Excuse my excitement at this new world of food preparation - I’m sure that soon it will be a very tedious job indeed. But for now I’m enjoying this new stage of Pebble’s life and take delight in preparing food for her.
What’s happening at your house this week? Be sure to pop on over to Lou’s and let her know.

Turn Around Bright Eyes

Six months old and eight kilograms of gorgeous, FINALLY we got to turn the car seat around for Pebble. I think she likes it.

I remember when every journey used to be torture, for both Pebble and I. Screaming, sobbing, choking. Things have definitely improved since then, and now this is the final hurdle. Now we have two happy girls.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Place and Yours: Mine, his and ours

This weeks theme is for My Place and Yours is ‘What’s on your fridge’.
I love to cover my fridge with bits and pieces. I have a big collection of magnets from the travels of friends and family, but mostly from my own travels. I have photos of babes, weddings and a few old favourites (note the top right photo of Paul with long hair from waaaaay back). This is my side of the fridge.


Paul, however, likes his fridge (and everything else in life) uncluttered. This is Paul’s side of the fridge.

Then we have the functional side of the fridge, with immunisations, calendars, invitations, reminders etc. I bought this family organiser calendar especially this year, but I won’t bother getting it again. I love the photos don’t like the layout. Next year I’ll be back to traditional squares. This is our side of the fridge.

What’s on your fridge? Play My Place and Yours with Hello Owl.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pebble – 6 months

Six. Months. It makes my heart skip a little faster to think of how quickly that time has passed. Side by side with the first six months spent falling in love with Pebble’s Dad, this six months is the greatest of my life. But enough about me. Let’s talk about Pebble!
  Six months old today!
Smiling broadly after waking mummy up at 5am!
She’s a curious wee thing, and is now slithering on her belly or rolly-pollying around the room to get to everything new and interesting.

Reading with Nana ‘Nette 
Pebble giggles more and more each day. Lately she giggles at seeing mummy in the mirror, funny noises that mummy makes, daddy’s upside down head and (strangely) mummy running around the bed tucking the sheets in while she lays in the centre of the quilt.

Sitting up - momentarily 
Pebble is trying to sit up. As she sits I hold my hands at her sides, ready to catch her as she becomes the leaning tower of baby. She is sitting up like a big girl in the trolley at the supermarket now, which I think is awfully clever.

First ride in the trolley like a big girl!
Pebble is chatting away to herself lots, and particularly likes to squeal at the top of her lungs. She is also learning to blow raspberries, which is very entertaining for me to watch.

Pebble is becoming more interested in other little babies, but sometimes gets a little rough with them (poor Grace didn’t see her coming).

“Hugging” her little cousin, Grace
Just in the last week I’ve seen more little frowns as she is held by someone else, or when I leave the room. She is also getting more fussy about me putting her to bed, even though Daddy does it whenever he is home in time. Hopefully the separation anxiety wont become to intense for either of us.
I wonder what the next six months with bring. I can’t wait to find out!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Dear Internet,
Did you sleep well last night? I think you must have. Yesterday, when I said that I’d love to give you just a little of the sleep I’m having, ya’ll went ahead and accepted my offer, right? Because last night was the worst nights sleep I’ve had since we were in newborn town.
I got into bed at 10ish, expecting not to wake up again to feed Pebble until at least 2am, perhaps 3am, maybe even 4am…
10.30pm –  baby awake
1.00am – baby awake
4.00am – baby awake
5.50am – baby awake
She wasn’t upset, or hungry (except for the first feed). Just awake.
At quarter past six she came into bed with us. Of course, I couldn’t sleep for a while, I was so acutely aware of her little body and tiny puffs of breath.
So, I’m a little tired today. I hope you enjoyed the sleep that I sent you :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Despite my earlier criticism of Twilight, I still find myself turning page after page, absorbed in the story and wanting to read more. What more can one ask of a book? My head feels fuzzy, the way that it often does when I’m so absorbed in a story. A pleasant fuzziness.
Today, apart from reading, I’ve been putting my teacher hat back on to prepare some materials for my nephew, who started school this year. His mum and dad asked for me to help him out a little and it’s been fun getting back into the swing of things. Particularly fun without the pressure of report writing, deadlines and behaviour issues!
Pebble is almost-not-quite six months old and everything is going swimmingly. She’s started sleeping almost through the night – until about 3am or 4am, when she wakes for a feed the goes straight back to sleep again. She’s even slept past 6am a few times in a row *fingers crossed*.
To all of you who are suffering sleepless nights with cranky babes, I just wish I could send you a little of the sleep that I’m getting. Sleep deprivation is such a horrible, horrible feeling.
How are you sleeping lately?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

At my house: Paper

For our anniversary Paul and I agreed to stick to tradition, just for fun. The first anniversary traditional gift is Paper. I tried to be a bit clever and a bit romantic. I made a ticket for us to watch the wedding DVD, which we have yet to watch – ever! I also gave him Pictionary, as we’re always talking about watching less TV. These ideas seem kind of lame now…
However, Paul, cheeky man that he is, cheated. He bent the rules and surprised me with a Kobo ereader.
So far I love it, if not the reading material that I’m reading. I started with one of the 100 free ebooks that it came with – Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. I have never read Jane Austen and after about five pages I had to move along. I like the idea of it, but the language is just too oldy-wordy for me (that’s a technical term). I consider myself to be quite a good reader, and this book made me feel very stupid. I kept having to translate every sentence into modern English.
So. I got myself a copy of two books that I’ve been wanting to read. Twilight and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I started on Twilight and after two days I’m about halfway through. It’s easy to read, kind of like eating over processed white bread. You swallow without chewing.  Edward (the male lead, in case you didn’t know) is giving me the shits with his ever present chuckle, which I find condescending. The emphasis on Bella’s lack of coordination is also getting irritating, and I’m hoping it’s majorly relevant later on. I did watch the first film a long time ago, but can’t remember much of what happens except vampire-girl teenage love.
Just now I found a copy of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, which I’m excited about reading too.
Do you have an eReader? Where do you get your books from and what’s your favourite ebook so far?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


With a spoon of her own in each hand Pebble is happy to open up (just a little bit) and try some yoghurt. I’m not sure how much it actually gets in her mouth, but she’s interested.
Image0294 Image0295 Image0296 Image0297
Apart from anything else, I’m trying to be more relaxed. Whatever happens, happens. She will eat eventually. Thanks to your advice to just chill :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Point + Shoot

First anniversary lunch @ Brighton Jetty Cafe.

Image0274 Brighton Jetty

Image0267The girl: Snapper with polenta, asparagus, tomato and hollandaise

The boy: Fish and Chips

Image0275 The girl: Portuguese Pudim with almond icecream, caramel and cream (the boy had tiramisu).

The boy + the girl.


Sunday, July 11, 2010


Today’s posts are brought to you by the wonders of technology. I’ve scheduled these to fly off into the ether while Paul and I are off celebrating our one year wedding anniversary.

One year ago today I walked down the aisle to this song. It makes me cry to remember… tears of joy. Pure. Joy.

Thank you to Mel and Lisa. Without you both we might never have found each other. And that is something I just can’t bear to imagine.


Friday, July 9, 2010

To eat, or not to eat

So I’m still trying to get Pebble to eat solids. Ever since the dreaded medicine got forced down her gullet she has had no interest in opening up for food (is it any wonder?). I’m giving it a rest for a week or so, and coming back to it again, but I found this post by It’s Not About Nutrition to be so interesting and a reminder of what’s really going on.
“Here are 10 things your infant might say about weaning if he could:
1) My food used to always be the same – same taste, same texture, same smell. Now it changes from meal-to-meal. I never know what to expect.
2) I used to snuggle with Mommy while I ate but now I don’t.
3) I used to eat while lying down.  Now I have to sit up.
4) I used to decide how quickly or slowly to eat.  Now someone else picks the speed at which food is put into my mouth.
5) I used to take big sips or small sips of milk. Now someone else decides how much food is in each bite.
6) I used to have a soft nipple in my mouth.  Now there’s a hard spoon in there.
7) I used to eat whenever I was hungry.  Now Mommy often makes me wait for meal- or snack-time.
8) Mommy used to be the only one to feed me.  Now lots of different people take turns.
9) I used to decide how long meals lasted.  Now whoever feeds me decides.
10) I never could see what was going on in the room before.  Now I can check out all the action.”
No wonder it’s not happening so easily. All in good time.
Do you have any tips for starting solids with reluctant eaters? 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

To market, to market

This past weekend I was lucky enough to visit two markets for the first time: Mathilda’s Market and the Baby and Kids Market.
I was most excited to go to Mathilda’s. I love drooling over Etsy and MadeIt stores for gorgeous handmade things, but often stop at purchasing because I like to properly shop. I like to touch and really see.
Mathilda’s was small but plentiful. There were lots of things for girls. Lots and lots. Hair pretties, clothes, dress ups, soft toys. I saw a few pieces of clothing that I quite liked, but I just couldn’t justify the cost. I know that these sellers deserve their money, their blood, sweat and tears go into each piece. But I just can’t let myself spend $40ish on a onesie just for fun. I’ll admit that I’m a Target girl at heart.

Owl Softies from Little Luv

So I browsed. I tried to take photos, but I felt guilty because I think the sellers thought I might be trying to steal their work. I spoke to one about my blog and she was all too happy to help me out and gave me her card. I thought perhaps I should have a card too, but then thought that a bit silly. After all, this blog is just my little fun zone. It’s not anything proper. However, it’s much easier to hand over a card than to quote my lengthy http address. And much cooler too.
I digress. My sister ended up doing better than I at Mathilda’s, and came out with a bag full of loot. I bought the gorgeous hat that I blogged, which I still love. I will definitely go to Mathilda’s again, but next time will have in mind something that I want to get, instead of wanting just a sneaky peak.
At the Baby and Kids Market I did much better. Now this is my comfort zone. $2 here, $5 there. I walked out of there heavy with what I consider to be bargains. Here’s what I bought.

Fabric books (2) and fabric box $10
Bedtime for Bunny interactive fabric book $5

Puzzles, $3 each

Stacking cups $5

Soccer goals + Ball, $10
(I couldn’t walk away from this, Paul is a big soccer fan)
Where are your favourite markets?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Point + Shoot: And then there were five

With the recent arrival of baby Grace, Pebble now has four cousins on my side of the family.
This past weekend was the first time that they were all in the same place at the same time. 


Soon there will be six! (No, not me, my SIL is due in a couple of months).
What did you get up to this weekend? Share your point and shoot with Chantelle at FatMumSlim.

Monday Cuteness

Happy Monday!
I’ve got a busy, busy week ahead. I’m cleaning the house (again)and baking today (again) before my mum’s and bub’s group come for a visit tomorrow. I’ve got errands to run here, there and everywhere, and plans to make for our 1 year wedding anniversary this weekend ♥ What’s happening at your house this week?
Here’s a little Monday cuteness: Pebble in the hat that I bought her at Mathilda’s Market (my one and only purchase, not that I didn’t want to buy, buy, buy). It’s from Pink Apple, if you’re interested. I love the hat a lot, but I will have to stitch the flower on – it’s attached with a brooch at the moment. A sharp, pointy, metal brooch. I just don’t feel like it’s a nice thing to have on Pebble’s skin! I didn’t really think that through when I bought it, but no regrets, it’s cute as a button.

Have a happy Monday, and please do tell – how did you celebrate your 1st anniversary (maybe it was of your wedding, or relationship, even your blog, or another significant time in your life)?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Can I help, Mummy?

I’ve been busy at the Baby’s and Kid’s Market today, not to mention yesterdays Mathilda’s Market fun. BUT my camera charger is nowhere to be found, so alas I can not take photos of my purchases just yet.
To keep you occupied on this sunny Adelaide Sunday, here is Pebble demonstrating the safety features of baby walkers:

Nooooooooo, this isn’t dangerous at all!
Luckily my camera was right there in my bag so I could snap this pic without leaving her in danger of beater-mixing her own ear off. I was just about to turn on the beater when I glanced down to see this little face and outstretched arm.
Hmmm, no more using the kitchen island for plugging things in while Pebble’s in the walker. I could say no more walker, but oh my how she loves that thing.
What’s keeping you in and out of trouble this Sunday?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Afternoon delights

Hello there.  Sorry, I can’t stop and chat. I just wanted to say hello after my little shopping excursion to Mathilda’s Market, and before heading out to afternoon tea with the family.

Mathilda’s was very lovely. You might even say loverly. I was pleasantly surprised to meet the gorgeous Cat on my outing. Thanks for saying hi, Cat!

More about Mathilda’s later, but for now I’ll share this scrumptious glimpse of the dodgy caramel slice I made for our afternoon delights.  A few things went wrong in the making, but that’s a story for another time.
… all but gone!
Have a loverly Saturday!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Baby Chasey

Determined. Persistent. Staggering.

She’s coming for you!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pinch and a Punch…

First day of the month!
It’s JULY already. JULY! Where is this year going?
This time last year I was counting down the days until our wedding, and counting up the weeks until we could safely say that I was pregnant. I was exactly twelve weeks pregnant on our wedding day on 11 July 2009, which I think is just lovely.
This morning I staggered into the kitchen to find it filled with pink light from this pretty sunrise. Pebble had slept past 5.00am for the first time this week and the world looks a little more beautiful when you’re not as sleep deprived.

I hope you had a good (or better) nights sleep and find something beautiful in your world today.